Opening & closing

As soon as your modal stack is setup, you can start using React Native Modalfy from wherever you want in your code. You'll have 2 different ways to do so, depending on your context: either if you're inside a modal component or anywhere else in the code.

From a modal component

Each component you'll put inside the modalConfig object you pass to createModalStack will receive a modal prop. From there, amongst other things we'll cover later (if you can't wait check out Modal prop section), you'll have access to openModal and closeModal functions. That's it!

import React from 'react'
import { Button, Text, View } from 'react-native'

class ErrorModal extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const { modal: { closeModal } } = this.props
    return (
        <Text>An error occured!</Text>
        <Button onPress={closeModal} title="OK" />
          onPress={() => openModal('ErrorModal')}
          title="Let's open another modal!"

export default ErrorModal

You'll notice that in order to open a modal, React Native Modalfy uses the keys we put inside modalConfig. So if our config looks like:

import { ErrorModal, MessageSentModal } from '@components/Modals'

const modalConfig = {
  NoConnection: ErrorModal,
  APITimeout: ErrorModal,
  TokenExpired: ErrorModal,
  MessageSent: MessageSentModal,

we can call openModal('NoConnection'), openModal('MessageSent'), etc.

From anywhere else in the code

This use case is probably more common than the 1st one: you're in a screen component and you want to open a modal from there. To do so, we'll use withModal higher-order component (or useModal hook) to access the same modal we just saw:

import React from 'react'
import { Button, Text, View } from 'react-native'
import { withModal } from 'react-native-modalfy'

import { sendFakeMessage } from '@utils'

class Message extends React.Component {

  _sendMessage = () => {
    const { modal: { openModal } } = this.props
      .then(() => openModal('MessageSent'))
      .catch(error => openModal('Error', { origin: 'message', error }))

  render() {
    return (
        <Text>Just press send!</Text>
        <Button onPress={this._sendMessage} title="Send" />

export default withModal(Message)

Have a look at Modal prop API reference to see all the things you can perform with openModal and have a complete overview of what does modal bring with it.

Last updated

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