
Interface of the modal configuration options. These settings will let Modalfy how to render and animate a modal.

Note: Each key in this object has a default value and may be overridden either in the modalConfig & defaultModalOptions objects in createModalStack() or directly in the modal component file through modalOptions.

import { Animated, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'

export interface ModalOptions {

  animateInConfig?: Pick<Animated.TimingAnimationConfig, 'duration' | 'easing'>
  animationIn?: (
    animatedValue: Animated.Value,
    toValue: number,
  ) => Animated.CompositeAnimation | void
  animateOutConfig?: Pick<Animated.TimingAnimationConfig, 'duration' | 'easing'>
  animationOut?: (
    animatedValue: Animated.Value,
    toValue: number,
  ) => Animated.CompositeAnimation | void
  backBehavior?: 'clear' | 'pop' | 'none'
  backdropColor?: ViewStyle['backgroundColor']
  backdropOpacity?: number
  containerStyle?: ViewStyle
  disableFlingGesture?: boolean
  modal?: React.ComponentType<any>
  position?: 'center' | 'top' | 'bottom'
  transitionOptions?: ModalTransitionOptions

// ------------------ INTERNAL TYPES ------------------ //

export type ModalTransitionOptions = (
  animatedValue: Animated.Value,
) => {
  [key: string]:
    | {
        [key: string]: ModalTransitionValue
    | ModalTransitionValue

export type ModalTransitionValue =
  | Animated.AnimatedInterpolation
  | string
  | number
  | undefined
  | null

API reference


animateInConfig?: Pick<Animated.TimingAnimationConfig, 'duration' | 'easing'>

Animation configuration used to animate a modal in, at the top of the stack. It uses Animated.timing() so if you want to use another animation type, see animationIn.

Note: only easing and duration are needed.

Default: { easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.exp), duration: 450 }


animationIn?: (
  animatedValue: Animated.Value,
  toValue: number,
) => Animated.CompositeAnimation | void

Function that receives the animatedValue used by the library to animate the modal opening, and a toValue argument representing the modal position in the stack. Useful to implement your own animation type and/or composition functions.

Note: If you just want to use Animated.timing(), check animateInConfig.

Default: -


animationIn: (modalAnimatedValue, modalToValue) => {
    Animated.timing(modalAnimatedValue, {
      toValue: modalToValue,
      duration: 300,
      easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.exp),
      useNativeDriver: true,
    Animated.timing(myOtherAnimatedValue, {
      toValue: 1,
      duration: 300,
      easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.exp),
      useNativeDriver: true,


animateOutConfig?: Pick<Animated.TimingAnimationConfig, 'duration' | 'easing'>

Animation configuration used to animate a modal out (underneath other modals or when closing the last one).

Note: only easing and duration are needed.

Default: { easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.exp), duration: 450 }


animationOut?: (
  animatedValue: Animated.Value,
  toValue: number,
) => Animated.CompositeAnimation | void

Function that receives the animatedValue used by the library to animate the modal closing, and a toValue argument representing the modal position in the stack. Useful to implement your own animation type and/or composition functions.

Note: If you just want to use Animated.timing(), check animateOutConfig.

Default: -


animationOut: (modalAnimatedValue, modalToValue) => {
    Animated.timing(modalAnimatedValue, {
      toValue: modalToValue,
      duration: 300,
      easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.exp),
      useNativeDriver: true,
    Animated.timing(myOtherAnimatedValue, {
      toValue: 1,
      duration: 300,
      easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.exp),
      useNativeDriver: true,


backBehavior?: 'clear' | 'pop' | 'none'

How you want the modal stack to behave when users press the backdrop, but also when the physical back button is pressed on Android.


  • 'clear' means that you want the whole stack to be cleared, whatever the amount of modals opened.

  • 'pop' means that you only want the modal at the top of the stack to be removed.

  • 'none' means that you don't want anything to happen, ie: users have to perform an action inside that modal before you programmatically remove it via closeModal.

Default: 'pop'


backdropColor?: ViewStyle['backgroundColor']

Color of the modal stack backdrop.

Default: 'black'


backdropOpacity?: number

Number between 0 and 1 that defines the backdrop opacity.

Default: 0.6


containerStyle?: ViewStyle

Styles applied to the <View> directly wrapping your modal component.

Default: {}


disableFlingGesture?: boolean

Disable fling gesture detection to close the modal.

Note: the fling gesture handler is not enabled when position is center.

Default: false

modal?: React.ComponentType<any>

React component that will be rendered when you'll open the modal.

Note: only needed when you're using this inside createModalStack() 1st argument.

Default: -


position?: 'center' | 'top' | 'bottom'

Vertical positioning of the modal.

Default: 'center'


transitionOptions?: ModalTransitionOptions

transitionOptions(animatedValue) returns a React Native style object containing values that can use the provided animatedValue to run animation interpolations on a modal.


  • Whenever you interpolate animatedValue, the inputRange corresponds to the modal position in your stack! 0 will translate to "the modal is not rendered", 1 to "this modal is on top of the stack/the only item in the stack", 2 to "this modal is the 2nd item in the stack", etc.

  • The last entry of inputRange will define how all the modals positioned at that index or more should animate. In the following example, any modal positioned 4th or more in the stack will have an opacity of 0:

opacity: animatedValue.interpolate({
  inputRange: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
  outputRange: [0, 1, 0.9, 0.6, 0],
  • The object returned by transitionOptions() must contain keys that work with useNativeDriver: true. If some don't, consider using containerStyle.

Default: -

Last updated

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