
Interface of the modal prop exposed by the library to regular components.

type ModalProp<P extends ModalfyParams, Props = unknown> = Props & {
  modal: UsableModalProp<P>

// ------------------ INTERNAL TYPES ------------------ //

type ModalfyParams = { [key: string]: any }

interface UsableModalProp<
  P extends ModalfyParams,
  M extends Exclude<keyof P, symbol | number> = Exclude<
    keyof P,
    symbol | number
> {
  closeAllModals: (callback?: () => void) => void
  closeModal: (modalName?: M, callback?: () => void) => void
  closeModals: (modalName: M, callback?: () => void) => boolean
  currentModal: M | null
  openModal: (modalName: M, params?: P[M], callback?: () => void) => void

API reference


closeAllModals: (callback?: () => void) => void

This function closes every open modal.

Example: modal.closeAllModals()


modalfy().closeAllModals(() => console.log('All modals closed'))


closeModal: (modalName?: M, callback?: () => void) => void

This function closes the currently displayed modal by default. Incidentally, you can also provide a modalName if you want to close a different modal than the latest opened.



modalfy().closeModal('UserModal', () => console.log('Latest UserModal modal closed'))

modalfy().closeModal(undefined, () => console.log('Latest modal closed'))


closeModals: (modalName: M, callback?: () => void) => boolean

This function closes all the instances of a given modal. You can use it whenever you have the same modal opened several times, to close all of them at once.


  () => console.log('All ErrorModal modals closed')

Returns: boolean indicating whether or not Modalfy found any open modal corresponding to the provided modalName (and then closed them).


currentModal: M | null

This value returns the current open modal (null if none).

Example: modal.currentValue


openModal: (modalName: M, params?: P[M], callback?: () => void) => void

This function opens a modal based on the provided modalName. It will look at the stack passed to <ModalProvider> and add the corresponding component to the current stack of open modals. Alternatively, you can also provide some params that will be accessible to that component.


  { id: 619, name: 'Lin-Fu' },
  () => console.log('PokรฉdexEntryModal modal opened'),

Last updated