
Interface representing the data structure of any zfy store's getState()output.

import type { State } from 'zustand'

interface StoreType<StoreDataType> extends State {
  name: string
  data: StoreDataType
  reset: () => void
  update: (producer: (data: StoreDataType) => void) => void

API reference


  name: string

Name of the store to create.

Must be unique per store (ref).


  data: StoreDataType

Data you want to save in your store. Can be of any type. As the zustand doc states:

You can put anything in it: primitives, objects, functions.


reset: () => void

Function that, once invoked, resets the store's data to the value of the initialData provided to createStore()'s 2nd argument.


update: (producer: (data: StoreDataType) => void) => void

Function that allows you to update your data. The current value is provided to the producer function and thanks to Immer: you don't have to care about immutability at all. Example:

const dealershipStore = createStore('dealership', { flagship: 'Ford Mustang' })

dealershipStpre.getState().update(data => {
  data.flagship = 'Porsche Taycan'

For convenience, we recommend extracting update() in a function once, and then using that function to perform changes. Example:

const dealershipStore = createStore('dealership', {
  isOpened: true,
  flagship: 'Ford Mustang',
const updateDealership = dealershipStore.getState().update

updateDealership(data => {
  data.isOpened = false

updateDealership(data => {
  data.isOpened = true
  data.flagship = 'Porsche Taycan'

Be careful to respect Immer's rules when it comes to producing a new state:

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